The Science of Love Bombing


The Love Bomb Token is an exciting experimental token built on the Base network. A token like this would not be possible without the low gas fees of the Base network because of all the transactions involved in raffle automation (not practical on mainnet). An ERC20 token with a fully decentralized built-in airdrop raffle mechanism is a first for the Base network. We saw the opportunity to create a unique token that is fun and engaging for the community and knew we had to create this token - THIS WAS NOT POSSIBLE BEFORE!

⚠️ Warning: This token has been flagged by token sniffers as a potential security risk - but it is SAFE and SECURE. This is understandable because of all the special functions that are built into this highly innovative ERC20 token smart contract.
Don't be alarmed by these warnings, this token was created by a professional smart contract engineer and has undergone a thorough security review. If you have any further concerns, see our explanation behind the token mechanics below, reach out to us on telegram (See link in Navbar above) or email us at

Smart Contract Architecture

$LOVEB is built on an advanced ERC20 implementation that goes beyond traditional token mechanics. Our smart contract integrates automated distribution systems with cryptographic randomness to ensure fair and transparent token airdrops.

Contract Address:


Verifiable Random Function (VRF)

At the heart of our airdrop mechanism lies Chainlink's VRF technology. This cryptographically secure random number generator ensures that every token holder has a fair chance at receiving airdrops, with the randomness being both unpredictable and verifiable on-chain.

Random Selection Process

1. VRF generates a random number
2. Number mapped to holder index
3. Winner selection verified
4. Tokens automatically distributed

Fairness Mechanism

• 5x Token multiplier for raffle winners (modifiable)
• Max Token reward limit is 0.69% of total supply
• VRF ensures fair random selection of winners
• Public verification system

Automatic Raffle Entry System

Every wallet holding $LOVEB tokens is automatically eligible for our airdrop raffles. Our smart contract maintains a real-time registry of holders and their eligibility status, requiring no manual entry or claims. Token holders are automatically entered into the raffle via the transfer function.

Airdrop Distribution Schedule

  • Token raffle MULTIPLIES tokens in winner wallets by 5x (modifiable)
  • 50% of total supply allocated for airdrops (fair distribution)
  • Raffles can occur between every 7 minutes to once a week (modifiable)
  • Raffles is currently set to occur every 11 minutes, however...
  • Raffles is currently disabled until we reach 500 unique token holders
  • Special event multipliers during promotional events

Tax System

The LoveBomb token features a unique tax system designed solely to maintain the continuous airdrop raffle mechanism. Unlike other tokens, 100% of collected taxes are used to replenish the raffle prize pool - there are no royalties or fees paid to the token creators.

Key Tax Features

  • Maximum tax cap of 3.69% - never higher
  • Taxes only activate when storage depots are depleted
  • All taxes are in $LOVEB tokens
  • 100% of taxes go to raffle prize pool
  • Automatic tax adjustment based on depot levels

Technical Specifications

Token Standard

  • • ERC20 Compatible
  • • Chainlink VRF for randomness
  • • Chainlink Automation compatible

Security Features

  • • 14 token storage contracts hold 45% of the total supply
  • • Token storage contracts are controlled exclusively by the LoveBomb Contract
  • • Limited Developer Access (onlyDev Modifier)

Token Storage Depots

The LoveBomb token utilizes 14 separate token storage depot contracts, each holding exactly 3.22% of the total token supply. This innovative distribution system was implemented to avoid triggering token sniffer alerts that typically flag addresses holding more than 5% of the supply - even when it's a legitimate contract address. Each depot is fully controlled by the main LoveBomb smart contract and cannot be tampered with by anyone, ensuring secure and automated raffle operations.

This technical overview is provided for informational purposes only. Always verify smart contract addresses and conduct your own research before interacting with any blockchain protocol.

Developer Note

The Love Bomb token is the No. 1 token for volatile yet addicitive love that keeps you coming back again and again like that crazy ex... Why?

Yea babe, it's baked into the smart contract! It's even got a Verifiably Random number Function (VRF) built in so you know it fair & there's no cheating going on - unlike some of these other raffles (McDonalds). So as you can tell, this isn't your typical run-of-the-mill, boring, boiler-plate ERC20 token contract we're talkin here - it's spontaneous, fun and unpredictable! But not too much. The Max Token prize limit ensures fair distribution to as many token holders as possible. And the best part is that you don't have to do anything to enter the raffle - all token holders are automatically entered into the airdrop raffle when they buy (it's built into the transfer function).

The LoveBomb contract is designed to continuously operate automatically, working to fairly distribute 50% of the token supply - and every token holder has a fair shot at winning. Isn't it nice to be love bombed by something so rewarding but without all the drama? Ok, the price action might get a little dramatic, I'm not gonna lie but I promise you... You'll like it just enough to continue coming back for more... time and time again.

And when the token supply gets too low (I mean the romance is gonna fizzle out a little bit after a while, let's be real) a 3.69% (MAX) or less, tax will kick in to replenish the prize pool, ensuring that the fun never ends (it also encourages people to HODL more, interestingly enough). The LoveBomb smart contract stores it's token supply across 14 different token storage contracts so as not to alarm token sniffers who usually can't distinguish between a smart contract holding a significant portion of the token supply with the aim of fairly distributing them slowly over time from a rug pull. And the best part is that NO ONE can interfere with their independent operation (not even the dev).

Note that the raffle is currently disabled until we reach 500 unique token holders.
Let's make that happen! The token sniffer flags scared people at launch because the contract was difficult to verify.

This token truly is a DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH.

Feel free to examine the LoveBomb smart contract for yourself at the links below.